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 Yee  gods  has this last month been different for me!  I've had to move
over  250 miles from my old address to a flat located in in the heart of
Suffolk  in  a town called Ipswich.  Then I've had to get settled into a
new  job, a new life and new interests and on top of that, I have to get
an  issue  of The Word out asap.  The computer scene moves so fast these
days  that  if  you  haven't spread a byte in a while you are considered
RIP.   Well  just  to  prove you that Carnage is still with ya..  here's
issue 16 of your favourite disk magazine!

 And  what  an  issue  it  is.   Quite a few articles this issue on some
intersting  subjects.   Maybe  this  time  some  will  give rise to some
replies  from  those  of you sitting in the background saying "The Amiga
scene  is  dying"  and  "There isn't much in the way of software for the
Amigas  these days".  There's more to this vanilla ice than mouse clicks
ya  know.  There is a keyboard.  A console it is not.  Software is a two
way street.

 If  this  issue  comes across as "cyberpunky" in any way then that's my
fault  as I'm stuck in that phase at the moment and I kinda like it.  We
at  the  Word  staff  have  been  toying with the idea of holding a Word
competition  where over three issues, readers can judge the articles and
choose  a  winner whom will receive a prize from us.  At present this is
just  a  spark  in  our  minds but it might just go ahead.  We are still
toying  with  the  idea  of  the  competition  being  based on "the best
cyberpunk  story"  or  just a general science fiction text.  Whatever it
will  be you can bet it will be based around the best piece of fiction a
user can write.  As for the prize.  It might be a computer peripheral or
commercial  software  release.   A  SONY MARSBAR cellular phone has been
offered  up  with  all  the gear to clone it but we figured we might run
into  some  legal  problems  with that one.  We could say the prize is a
"phone with many uses" I suppose.  What do you think?

 I  have to thank Andy Bolt for that cool virtual skull logo that he did
for  this  issue.   If  there was ever an image that suited my workbench
theme  then  this was it!  Nice piece of work Andy!  Let's see some more
like   this!    Also  thanks  to  Panead/Strobe  for  his  title  screen
contribution as well.  It was too good not to use!

 This  may  be  the  last  issue  in this format.  I am referring to the
engine  BTW.   It seems that rather than alter the current engine to add
more  improvements,  Dick  and  Amiga  have  been working on a whole new
engine  code  with  all those features we've waited so eagerly.  Article
formats  should  remain  the  same  I  believe  but  if  not, I'm sure a
conversion program will be made available for poor old me.

 For  those  of  you with too much time on your hands, we are looking to
add some more members to the Word Staff..

SCENE  CORESPONDENT(s).   Someone  who  is  so  engrossed  in  the scene
(PC/Amiga) that he has a contact in the top groups, gets the latest news
and  info  and  has  seen all the latest scene warez so he'd be right at
home  writing an article about the scene in general each issue.  Is this

WORLD  NEWS  COMPILER.   Featured  in last issue for the first time, the
World  News  article  requires someone with on-line access to peruse and
absorb  any  relevant  computer  news each month that is of interest and
relevance to the computer scenes we represent.  Interested?

ASCII ART EDITOR.  We think ascii artists are underated and we'd like to
invite all you ascii artists to write articles and tutorials on the best
computer  graffiti there is..  ascii!  Show us what you can do!  We need
an  editor to compile the submissions, write reviews and maybe compile a
forum for ascii artists within the Word.

 Things  are changing behind the scenes these days with The Word and the
group  and  by next issue you may notice these changes.  We will however
emerge bigger and better..

 I'll  leave  you  with  this  thought..   The Amiga scene these days is
largely  scandinavian  with  less  people voting for UK based groups and
their releases.  Your vote counts so vote for The Word and let them know
that the UK still kicks ass!

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   ((((((((    \  "`      "The thing's I have seen..."
   ``)))))      \
       ((        )                              Bladerunner
